Office Stripes

[What to wear to work - Office Style - Fall Style]

Ironically I'm posting an office outfit on a Monday that I'm not going to work.  My son is turning 2 this week, and we're taking him down to the San Diego Zoo to see the animals.  He's at the fun age where he is learning animals and the sounds they make ("What does a cow say?" "Mooo!")  Aside from dogs, cats, birds and squirrels, (oh, and the aquarium), my son has not seen any other animals in the flesh.  He is very fond of elephants and lions right now, so I'm hoping he finds them as awesome in person.  

Because we live out of town from the zoo, we got a hotel room close by and are driving down Sunday, then getting to the zoo when they open today.  Then we'll have a room we're already settled in to return to for afternoon nap, and we can go back and finish the day off at the zoo as well.  There are several very affordable hotels near the zoo that offer 2 room family suites, with a king bed in one room and bunkbeds or a pull out in the other.  This is a nice option, so mommy and daddy don't have to go to bed when the kiddos go to bed (though after a long day, I might be ok with that anyway, LOL)


If you saw my post last week, you know I'm a fan of shirt dresses, and this one is a winner in so many ways.  It is very comfortable (and comes in tall length, which I'm wearing), has pockets (!), provides full coverage for office wear, is professional without being frumpy or stuffy, and is still feminine.


These shoes are, I think, the best of both worlds: fun and work.  Sometimes strappy shoes can be considered too sexy for an office environment, but these have a solid shoe feel with the straps covering the whole foot and toes, but still clearly are fun, strappy shoes.  Also, the heel is one that looks like a skinny stilettos from the side, but from the back you can see it's about an inch and a half wide, for extra stability.  I would say they are not good for those with wide feet, however.


You may also know I've been eyeing bucket bags lately, and I snagged this one at Target.  It's Sam & Libby, but not available online, so I found a similar affordable one for you.  Or keep your eyes peeled next visit you make to Target (cuz if you're anything like me, you go like once a week.) ;)