Holiday Party Style v.1

Holiday Party Style v.1

My life is so glamorous right now.  This is evidenced by the fact that the new word my son has learned this week is "boogers."  (Are you picking up on the fact that first sentence was sarcasm?;) ) Yeah, we've got a serious cold going on in the body of a little person who doesn't know how to blow his nose yet (or even how to blow when you tell him to) and a steady flow of snot running down his face.  Which is a vicious cycle, because the snot flow upsets him so he cries about it ("Mommy! Boogers!", pointing to his nose), and the crying causes more snot.  Not to mention the use of the bulb sucker that suctions the snot out but upsets him so much I think twice as much is created in its place.  Like I said, life is glamorous right now. 

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