Happy New Year! And Friday Fringe

Happy 2016 to everyone!! I know everyone says this this time of year, but seriously, where did 2015 go? I feel like it was February just a month or so ago.  I've always been sensitive to the passing of time, more so that my peers typically have been. I cried at my high school graduation (now several graduations in the past) because at the age of 18 I was so sensitive to that event signalling the end of my childhood.  Those first 18 years of life felt like eternity, but now, more than a decade later, the years since feel like they've flown by. And having a baby - whoa! - it puts time on warp speed.

I really need to make 2016 a year of pretty big changes for me, though I still need to figure out exactly what those should be.  I need to move on with my career, but my career is not my dream job (though I would be happy with the right scenario), so I want to pursue my other passions as well for my self fulfillment.  Blogging has brought a new energy and creativity to my life that I had been missing (but  that has always been a part of who I truly am), and I am very thankful for this, and for all you and your support. It's a great community.  

So I hope for us all, that good things are ahead personally, professionally, economically, politically, environmentally....2016 needs to be a year of serious positive change in so many ways.

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style blogger
fashion blogger