Wednesday Wishlist - Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale

Wednesday Wishlist - Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale

They really get us, don't they?  The great sales all November and December, and we finally get through Christmas and are relieved we are done shopping - but then oh no! The Nordstrom sale is in effect! Crap - I mean Yay! - I mean crap. No, yay, really it's yay. ;)  I may or may not have gotten some Nordy's gift cards for Christmas that need to be's some items I'm eyeing....

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Classy Cut-Outs

Hope everyone had a fun/relaxing/productive/peaceful/whatever-you-needed-it-to-be Labor Day holiday.  We did extended family time on Sunday (BBQ at the grandparent's with my sister and her family), then Monday was just our little family.  We got up early, because with a toddler there is no such thing as sleeping in, and drove to Long Beach for breakfast, then to Huntington Beach Dog beach with the vision of letting the dog off the leash and the toddler splash in water.  But we learned that even just the flow of a crashed wave up the sand is a horrifying thing, and even mommy and daddy shouldn't let the wave water get them.  Even if they're are laughing and having fun. It is not a fun thing to witness, it is very upsetting.

So the dog beach was a bit of a bust, though the dog had some fun. The little guy fell asleep shortly after departing the beach, and took a nice long nap.  Then we were able to salvage the water experience of the day by going to the pool, which little dude loves, and he and daddy splashed there til dinner time.

For the beach I just wore my swimsuit and denim cut-offs.  But after cleaning up, I was loving this new top I got (under $20!)  It is minimalist and modern, with cut outs that reveal a little skin without revealing too much. You can wear a normal bra with it, and it is so easy to dress up or down.  Here, I dressed it up with some wide leg slacks and leopard print heels, keeping accessories to a minimum, to keep with the mono-chromatic minimalist vibe.


If you're on Snapchat, find me there at edstilettos, and you can follow my little family adventures.

Friday Faves - Anthropologie

Everyone has been excited about the Nordstrom Anniversary sale, which is warranted because you can find some good savings. But one of my favorite places to find things on sale is Anthropologie.  They have some of the prettiest items - I would feel pretty every day if my entire closet were their collection.  Here are some of my favorites that are on sale now, all for less than $100.

PLUS, all sale items are an extra 20% off with code: saleaway.

Don't you feel pretty just looking at them? ;)


It's Not too Late - Nordstrom Sale

If you've spend any time on the Internet in the past week+ you know that the Nordstrom Anniversary sale is in full effect. While we've been having a heat wave lately and most things on sale seem to be cold weather items, it's hard to pass up on some of the good savings they have for items you will wish you had 2 months from now.  Here are some of my favorites, good for now and later - get them while you can!!

Friday Favorites - Warm Weather Footwear

While I was hoping we'd have a bit more rain this spring, I don't think it's worth doing any more planning on that happening.  So, moving on and embracing the wonderful SoCal weather we're having is making me want to summerize my shoe collection (that's my new word: summer-ize, like it? :) )  And that means sandals.

friday favorites

Here are some of my favorite affordable finds (mentally adding to my closet as I type):