How to Wear Casual Sequins - Holiday Style v3

How to Wear Casual Sequins - Holiday Style v3

I bought a new throw for our living room sofa recently, and it is the softest thing ever.  Seriously, I wish I could just wear it around all day.  Being in comfy, cozy clothes makes me feel relaxed, even if what I'm doing isn't relaxing.  Sweater season makes me happy for this reason -- there are so many cozy sweaters out there.

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Office Stripes

Office Stripes

Ironically I'm posting an office outfit on a Monday that I'm not going to work.  My son is turning 2 this week, and we're taking him down to the San Diego Zoo to see the animals.  He's at the fun age where he is learning animals and the sounds they make ("What does a cow say?" "Mooo!")  Aside from dogs, cats, birds and squirrels, (oh, and the aquarium), my son has not seen any other animals in the flesh.  He is very fond of elephants and lions right now, so I'm hoping he finds them as awesome in person.  

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Gettin' Lace-y

We are 7 days into October already - what the....?  Don't have a Halloween costume for the little Dude yet - he's not old enough to have an opinion (or even know what is coming) but he's really in to "Finding Nemo" right now, so we can't decide if he should be Nemo, or a shark (he loves the sharks in the film, even though they only have like 5 minutes of screen time.)  Part of me doesn't want to bother with a costume because I don't think he's going to want to wear it, and trick-or-treating with an almost 2 year old doesn't sound like a very productive activity. But on the other hand, little kids in costumes are SO CUTE! LOL  So we'll see.

But once Halloween comes and goes, it will be Christmas time before you know it.  While I feel like the holidays make what's left of the year go by even faster, I do love the occasions to dress up more than usual that usually arise.  I'm loving this dress for parties to come.  It is SO comfortable, the lace is very soft and stretches, and the pattern of the lace and the fact that it is black makes it very forgiving, despite being formfitting.  It is dressy on it's own, but I think that it can even be dressed down for just a casual night out with a jean jacket and some moto boots.  And for less that $70, totally worth it.

lace dress holiday dress
lace dress holiday dress
lace dress holiday dress
lace dress holiday dress
lace dress holiday dress

You can get this exact dress below, and while my shoes are old, I'm loving these very similar ones, which are also a great price.

It's Beginning to Feel a Bit Like Fall

Hope you had a good weekend. Here we are at Monday again. I'm thinking about starting a petition to make weekends 3 days instead of 2.  Anyone interested in signing?

So I actually woke up one night this weekend because I was cold, and had to pull the blanket up (we've just been sleeping with a sheet on, because it's been so hot.)  It was a nice feeling.  I also woke up to the sound of rain outside at 2am on Sunday, and while it had stopped by the time the sun came up, it left us with a cool and fall-like day.  I would have lounged in my PJs for half the day, if I could have (lounging in any capacity happens very rarely these days. You know, with the toddler and all.)  We did have about an hour of family snuggles that morning watching Baby Einstein in mommy and daddy's bed though.  ;)  Overall, the weekend was good (mommy and daddy we able to go out TWO nights in a row, the first in ages.)  

fall style
fall style gap dress
fall accessories
fall style gap dress
fall shoes black heels
fall style hooded coat

Timewarp (and a pink maxi)

For last Christmas, my sister made me a custom 2015 calendar with pictures of my son for the year prior (his first full year of life). Last night I flipped to October and had a momentary trip down memory lane as I viewed the images she chose for this month.  Every time I see pictures of my son from last year I am literally stunned.  I feel like I'm in another dimension, that the baby in those pictures is someone different than the toddler I chase around now. A year to an adult is most times not a dramatic change.  But a year in the life of a small person is so dramatic.  And for most of us, until we become a parent, we don't witness these dramatic changes on a first hand basis until we have our own kids.

Think about it: when you're a kid, you don't notice yourself changing. And your friends are all changing at the approximate same pace as you. And the adults in your life are already adults and always will be adults, so you don't notice change in them at all.  And when you're an adult, you're mostly with adults, and there is not usually dramatic change in them.  But with a baby, they literally grow over night.  It's the most surreal thing.  I see those pictures of my little chub when he was learning to walk, and I remember scooping him up in my arms and how he fit just right.  I felt like he was mostly the same from one day to the next, but now a year later, the change is so dramatic, and that little baby is gone.  Its such a weird thing, when I think about it, I'm almost in mourning (my eyes tear up, my husband doesn't really understand. Its a mom thing.)  I am so excited by my son's developments and watching him learn and grow - it's so amazing and fun - but I can't deny I miss that little baby a bit.  

Because babies make everything better - had to snap a few with my photographer's son.  It feels like yesterday my little guy was this small, now he's running and talking and so big!

Because babies make everything better - had to snap a few with my photographer's son.  It feels like yesterday my little guy was this small, now he's running and talking and so big!