Friday Favorites

Happy Friday.  It is supposed to be very hot here this weekend. The weather feels a bit bi-polar lately, cold and rainy one week, 90 degrees and sunny the next.  Doesn't make for easy closet organization.  We don't have air conditioning in our apartment, and while we live close enough to the coast that the temperatures don't usually reach the max predictions, it can still get uncomfortably warm, especially when you're chasing/carrying a toddler around. We'll be going to Orange County to visit my parents in their air conditioned house.

If you do have A/C and plan to stay indoors and relax, here are a few more of the blogs that I follow and enjoy, that maybe you will too:

  • Maegan - by Maegan Tintari.  Originally living in LA, she and her husband and puppies moved to the beautiful mountains of Arrowhead.  She has a stylish eye that is practical, and does very creative DIYs.  She has also been open about her battle with infertility, and reminds us all to be thankful for the little things in life.
  • A Beautiful Mess - by Elsie Larson and Emma Champan (and their team.)  I have to admit I'm jealous they came up with and snagged the name of their site before me - its pretty much a perfect description of life.  Their site has great DIYs, recipes, crafts, etc. They've also created a couple photo apps, published a couple books, and teach online classes through their site.
  • Kendi Everyday - by Kendi Skeen.  Kendi seems like the kind of gal you want to be friends with, or maybe you already have friends like her (she reminds me of my girlfriends.)  She is practical and down-to-earth, and has a good sense of humor, along with a good sense of style with affordable pieces.