Just a few (9, to be exact)

  1. Want to eat healthy but get bored with what that usually means?  Check out these 30 Superfood Recipes you've never tried before. (greatest.com)
  2. Sometimes you're just at the right place at the right time, and you look up.  This photographer did. (grindtv.com)
  3. If you feel your brain is wasting away, here are 17 websites that will make you smarter. (entrepreneur.com)
  4. We're having a drought, people! 5 water-saving beauty tips. (purewow.com)
  5. We all have inner super-heros. Especially these beautiful children. (themighty.com)
  6. Small closet but big fashion appetite? Here are 9 ways to rent clothing. (purewow.com)
  7. Spring clean (or I guess now it would be summer clean) your make-up drawer, here are the only 6 lipsticks you'll ever need. (yahoo.com)
  8. Who knew you could hack ice cream? These are kinda genius. (yahoo.com)
  9. And speaking of hacks, 101 lifehacks for the home.  (I seriously love this knife block one.) (glamumous.co.uk)

Web Wonders

Ok, they may not be complete wonders, but here are some fun finds from the web this past week:

  1. Sometimes I feel like I have never fully recovered from pregnancy brain.  I'm going to have to start implementing some of these daily habits to make me smarter. (Mydomaine.com)
  2. There is such beauty and diversity in the world, even in just one family. This mother shares images she captured of her daughters. (Yahoo.com)
  3. Pet peeve of mine: badly hung wall art. Here's how to do it right in your space. (yahoo.com)
  4. I'm always on the hunt for small space storage ideas. These built-ins are harder to implement in a rental, but still some good ideas.  (apartmenttherapy.com)
  5. "My strong body image was a direct result of feeling validated by society."  An honest look at body image I could relate to. (huffingtonpost.com)
  6. Since it costs an arm and a leg just to get in, its good to know you can get some free stuff at Disneyland. I'm definitely asking for the map next time we go. (buzzfeed.com)
  7. If you're going to spend on pricey skin care products, be sure you are investing properly. (birchbox.com)
  8. Another life-hack that I'm a fan of: DIY/green ways to organize your life. (buzzfeed.com)
  9. Anthro does it again, though out of my price range so I'll just drool from here: I don't think you could feel anything but pretty in this dress. (anthropologie.com)


Life Hack: Bet You Never Used Windex for This

I love that my mom still has wisdoms to share with me that I haven't already heard or already know.  No matter how long I am an adult, my mom will have been an adult for 27 years longer than me, and with that comes 27 years of more experiences.  This is beneficial to me. :)

When I was pregnant, I didn't put on a lot of extra weight. It was one of my (silly) pre-pregnancy notions that I was going to be able to wear my wedding rings my whole pregnancy.  But at around 7 months, we went to Hawaii on our post-Bar celebration/babymoon trip, and the warm weather and humidity made my fingers and feet swell up.  Had to soak my hand in ice water to get my rings off, and couldn't put them back on until we got home.  And even then I couldn't wear them regularly until after my son was finally born.

It doesn't take pregnancy to cause joint swelling.  Humidity and temperature change (and aging) can cause our joints to swell.  And we've all been in the position of momentary panic when trying on rings in a store where we can't get them immediately off, and you're twisting and grimacing and praying you can get it off.

This is where my mom's wisdom comes in.  I had never heard this before, and no one I have shared it with yet has either, but it absolutely works.

Next time you have a ring on your finger you can't get off, spray it with a little Windex.  That's the trick.  The liquid consistency easily and immediately lines your finger and the ring, and it will slip right off.  Non-toxic, and with a quick rinse of both hand and ring when done, you're good to go.

One other key to getting a tight ring off your finger is not to straighten your finger.  A straight finger causes the knuckle skin to bunch up at the join and makes it even harder to remove.


Just relax your finger so there is some bend in the joint, and the ring will slide over the joint more easily (Windex or not.)


So that's my little random life hack for you - store that away in your mental files for future use.

What random yet useful tips have your mother shared with you?