Friday Favorites - Easter Dresses under $100

Friday Favorites - Easter Dresses under $100

Easter is a little over a week away, and while the point of the holiday is obviously to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus,  I have to admit I always look forward to getting a new Easter dress.  I remember as a kid it was a fun day when Mom would say we were going Easter dress shopping.  And how excited I would be to wake up on Easter morning and put on my pretty new dress that had been hanging in my closet untouched awaiting this day (after scoping out what the Easter bunny left us in our baskets, of course. ;) )  Easter dresses to me are floral and colorful and something you feel feminine and pretty in.

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  1. New parents, need a laugh?  I have a 15 month old, and while not all are relevant yet, we've started down this road: 33 Ridiculous Things You Had No Idea You Have To Teach Your Kids
  2. You can't believe everything (most things, quite honestly) that you see online.  This guy (Zack King) is amazingly creative in 15 second increments.
  3. Who knew that Mr. Spock had photography interests? The Full Body Project, buy the late Leonard Nimoy examines our current standards of beauty.
  4. Last year I had 4 month old, so we didn't do Easter eggs. But these have me excited to try some new things this year.