Marilyn Moment - Halter-neck Midi Dress

Marilyn Moment - Halter-neck Midi Dress

Polka-dot Dress Perfect for a Summer BBQ

Do you ever have those days where you think it's a day different than it is? Like it's a Monday and you think it's a Tuesday?  I usually have that happen with Thursday and Friday, thinking Thursday is Friday. That's always a bummer when you realize your error.  But this week it happened to me on Monday. I was thinking Monday was Tuesday, and if you follow me on Instagram you were teased that this look was coming here yesterday (and if you don't follow me, I'd love to have you!)  Sorry about that!  But here it is now!

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Friday Favorites - H&M 20% Off through Sunday

Friday Favorites - H&M 20% Off through Sunday

H&M is one of my favorite places to pick up affordable and on trend seasonal pieces.  They're good for some basics too.  I remember before they had come to the west coast, and weren't available online yet. I used to see their items featured in fashion magazines (of course paired with other items multiple times more expensive) and wished I could shop their collections.  Now there's a location walking distance from home, and their website has even more.  The best time to shop is when they are offering a discount AND free shipping, which is going on now through Sunday. Use code: 3373 at checkout.

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Stripes, Fringe and Boyfriend Jeans

Stripes, Fringe and Boyfriend Jeans

What to wear to a weekend lunch...

I'm sitting at my desk right now trying to decide if I want to go out and get a coffee.  The dilemma is this: its rather cool out this morning, and I didn't bring a jacket.  Yes, my mother taught me to never leave home without one, but I thought I had one in my car already, and apparently I was mistaken. It's not like it's freezing outside, or a long walk to the coffee shop, and obviously the coffee would warm me, but I'm just really comfortable right now, temp-wise, and I'm weighing how good the latte the latte will taste with losing my comfortable feeling right now.  This is majorly a first world problem.  Just keepin' it light for a Monday. ;)

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Friday Favorites - Easter Dresses under $100

Friday Favorites - Easter Dresses under $100

Easter is a little over a week away, and while the point of the holiday is obviously to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus,  I have to admit I always look forward to getting a new Easter dress.  I remember as a kid it was a fun day when Mom would say we were going Easter dress shopping.  And how excited I would be to wake up on Easter morning and put on my pretty new dress that had been hanging in my closet untouched awaiting this day (after scoping out what the Easter bunny left us in our baskets, of course. ;) )  Easter dresses to me are floral and colorful and something you feel feminine and pretty in.

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Classic Blue and White

Classic Blue and White

The perfect off-shoulder top, and how to wear culottes.

So did anyone have any bloopers with the time change this past weekend?  You know they made daylight savings time on the weekend because so many people would be late (or early, depending on Spring or Fall) if it was a weekday.  I'm not a fan of losing an hour of sleep, but I do like having more light left in the day when I get off work.  My husband actually works on the weekends, and he set his clock ahead before going to sleep on Saturday night not knowing that his clock had an auto-adjust for DST, and his alarm went off at 4a instead of 5a.  That makes losing an hour even worse!

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